The Leader in Djembe, Cajon & Hand Drums for Beginners and Pros.

X8 Drums Blog

Drumming and Special Needs Children

The long-lasting personal development goals and benefits of drumming can turn a group into an entity of change, ambition and wellness. With research pointing out the benefits of drumming for those with neurological disorders, and the overall benefit of drumming and music on a child’s comprehension in school, special needs educators and therapists are beginning to incorporate drumming into therapy time. These sessions, either on a one-on-one basis or in a group can be effective e …
30th Oct 2014

The Difference Between Djembe And Conga

This post is part of the Michael Pluznick author residency at Enjoy! When I first started drumming in the early-70's the djembe was a relatively unknown instrument. I had learned conga drumming in Boston but started djembe and West African studies in California in 1979 with the late Craig 'Simbo' Anderson. An accomplished drummer in several styles, including West African and Afro-Cuban, he was instrumental in encouraging me to learn and play in both styl …
30th Oct 2014

Drumming and Self-esteem

It can be said that drumming is an exercise in creativity and self-expression. From the various beats of the drum to the entire learning process of mastering an instrument, drumming is music, yet, it is more than music. Drumming brings about an awareness of the physical and mental, as well as connections to others, all of which can be beneficial to the mind, body and emotional state of a person. Through drumming, however, another aspect of personal development can be …
30th Oct 2014

A Drum is a Powerful Prevention Tool

Written by Kenya Masala As we continue to answer the question of proven scientific benefits to youth drumming programs, we explore yet another study. Educators and program directors interested in scheduling a rhythm or drumming based program for schools, may not have time to read though entire studies to – yet, you need to know this unequivocally to spend your program dollars wisely. Because we know that interactive drumming and rhythm programs deliver a spectr …
30th Oct 2014

The Conga Drum & Dance

The Conga, a dance involving a single-file chain of people roving around a room to the beat of a Conga drum and accompanying instruments, is an Afro-Cuban dance brought over by slaves and may be most famous for its appearance in movies, wedding receptions or its performance by Desi Arnaz in the 1950's. The Conga may have been a way for slaves to celebrate victories in their daily lives or surrepticiously express their anger, and has become a staple of parties, festivals a …
30th Oct 2014

Didgeridoo and Circular Breathing

Didgeridoo, possibly the oldest instrument known to man, originated in northern Australia through the Indigenous population of the Northern Territory. The instrument has been played for over 1500 years and has recently become a prominent feature in alternative healing communities because of its ability to help with sleep disorders and other health issues. The low frequency sounds and actual vibrations produced by the didgeridoo are thought to encourage the healing of tissue …
30th Oct 2014

Gahu Drum & Dance Ensemble

The Gahu Drum Ensemble, led by drummer T.R. McKotch, is working on releasing an album, as well as performing, teaching and bringing the world the spirit of Africa and Haiti through traditional rhythms such as Fanga, Kpanlogo and Luba. According Gahu Drum Ensemble, "it is our aim to encourage participation in, and enjoyment of, the rhythms and dances of West Africa, the Caribbean, and the African Diaspora, whether in a workshop or performance." The Gahu Drum Ensemble use …
30th Oct 2014

Homemade and Repurposed Musical Instruments

The tremendous successes of Stomp and Blue Man Group have been inspirational to many who wish to create their own instruments out of ordinary household items. Creating musical instruments from boxes, cans or other throw away materials is a great activity for children, but creating “real” musical instruments from items like buckets, trash cans, garden hoses, water bottles and boxes can take the skill and patience of an adult. The results, however, are well worth the effort a …
30th Oct 2014

The Origins and Evolution of West African Hand Drums

A drum tells the story of the culture from which it evolved, uniting an area or region and telling its own story of the triumphs experienced throughout history. The drums of Africa have some of the most interesting and unique designs and history that have stood the test of time, while evolving into more modern instruments that encouraged the diversification of music and rhythm heard today. Djembe drums may be the most well-known hand drums today, due in part to …
30th Oct 2014

Shake Your Shekere!

If you have ever experienced the unique sound of the Shekere, you know it is more than a fancy rattle. The sounds it can produce through shaking and striking its varied surfaces bring more than a shaker sound to music, but can also give a unique depth to the rhythms and sounds produced by other percussion instruments. The Shekere is traditionally made from a hollow gourd, also called calabash, and has been traditionally used as a vessel for water in Africa, but can n …
30th Oct 2014