X8 Drums Blog
Holiday Stress: We Know Why the 10 Drummers Drummed
There’s drumming for the love of music and rhythm, and then
drumming for education or perfecting our craft. In truth, drummers have a
million reasons for drumming and drumming has many mysteries to the
non-drummer, but, there probably isn’t a person out there who can’t see how
drumming is great for stressful times.
Did you get all of that? We’re a little stressed with all of
this holiday business going on.
Stress is probably one of the most common reasons we reach
for our
20th Nov 2021
Stop Stressing and Drum!
“Busy” is the buzzword of today, between work and family and
the pursuit of happiness, we are all trying to keep motivated and get it all
done. Unfortunately, being busy all the time can lead to stressful living, and
many people just can’t figure out how to break the cycle and still keep the
motivation going in a positive, beneficial manner. Imagine, however, during
those stressful times of life, having the ability to take 10 minutes off to
reset your mind and body without medication. W
23rd Jul 2014