The Leader in Djembe, Cajon & Hand Drums for Beginners and Pros.

How to Cover a Song

There are many things you can do to make a cover of a song great and outstanding. Here are some words of advice for when you decide to sit down and cover that song that has impacted your life more than words can describe.

1. Make it your own!

As you are performing that song you love, remember, you didn't write it. You have to find a way to put your mark on it, whether it is switching it up with a fun groove or rocking a drum solo just to show off your range! You can even go as far as changing the genre, a rock rendition of that pop song we all hear on the radio or changing the tempo can really make an impact on your performance.

2. Be Expressive

Have a good time with your cover, a monotonous show will put your audience to sleep. Use your drum skills to really amp up what you are playing. There is a reason you chose the song you did, give that to your listeners with your sound. They know the original was written for a reason, but why did you pick it? What made it stand out to you? Then make it apparent. It helps them to understand you as a performer, not just a cover artist.

3. Have Fun

If you are sitting on stage, bored and without purpose other than to deliver a song, your audience picks up on that. It makes them not want to be there as much as you may seem. Or even if you put the cover out online, it doesn't matter if someone is listening or watching, if you lack energy they pick up on it. Smile, have fun, be entertaining. This is not only for them, it is for you too! If you have fun while performing, the whole adventure feels even more worthwhile and delightful. Having a good time is the key to a good performance, it makes everyone happy just to have been there or listened to it.

4. Be Engaging

This is part of having fun and being entertaining. Make everyone feel as if they have a part, as if them listening, clapping, or even just being there means something. It keeps there attention and makes the song more significant. If you have passion and they have passion then the impact you make by performing your beloved song is even more apparent and cherished.

28th Oct 2014

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